There are many reasons a child may need to spend time with a psychologist who is experienced in working with children. Divorce is one common reason. A child psychologist may be called in to evaluate the child’s relationship with his/her parents to help the parents and/or a judge determine the terms of a custody dispute. Disputes involve which parent (s) should have physical custody of the child, which parent(s) should have legal custody, and what the terms of the visitation schedule should be.
When the divorce is final, a child psychologist can help children adjust to their parent’s divorce. These sessions with the children can help the child understand that he/she was not responsible for the divorce and that both parents love their child and want wants best for the child in every way possible.
According to, divorce affects children differently depending on their age:
- Young children find it hard to understand why they need to constantly switch homes. They may worry that if their parents don’t love each other, they may stop loving them.
- Grade school children may fear that something they did caused the divorce
- Teenagers are often angry that divorce disrupts their life so much. They may blame one parent more than the other parent.
At every level and every degree, parents and family courts focus on what is in the best interests of the children.
Common reasons a child may benefit from child psychology therapy
Even when there is no marital conflict, there may be signs that a child needs help that parents may not be qualified to provide. Professional help may be encouraged when children have long moody periods, difficulty developing social relationships, or because they’re not adjusting to their school environment.
According to the renowned Cleveland Clinic, some of the reasons a child may benefit from counseling with a child psychologist include when a child:
- Loses confidence and start feeling bad about himself/herself
- Has feelings of hopelessness
- Excessively worries about the future
- Withdraws from family, friends, or activities he or she used to enjoy
- Significantly alters their eating and sleep habits
- Displays negative behavior on a regular basis
- Exhibits self-destructive behavior such as cutting their skin or pulling their hair
- Talks explicitly about suicide
- Alcohol or drug abuse.
It can be difficult for parents to know when to contact a professional and admit that they can’t resolve their child’s problems on their own. Parents, according to psychologist Kristen Eastman, PsyD., may incorrectly “assume that mental health treatment will mean medication or hospitalization for their child.” She says that therapy can often help the child and parents develop strategies for working through the child’s difficulties.
At Taylor Jones Taylor, our Southaven family lawyers understand how very stressful marital conflict and divorce are on children. We work with child psychologists, marriage counselors, mediators, collaborative divorce specialists, and others to help spouses help their children through the divorce process and their lives after the divorce is final. To review all aspects of your marriage or divorce including prioritizing the needs of your children call us today at 662.342.1300 or fill out our contact form. Our family lawyers advise clients in Southaven, Hernando, and Olive Branch.

Taylor Jones Taylor is a Mississippi law firm concentrating on personal injury, criminal defense, and family law. Since 1964, their attorneys have been there for the people of Southaven when they were needed the most. To learn more about us, check out our home page.